A Tangent About Me

Alright I'm finally doing this. I must admit that I had quite a bit of trouble getting myself to do this. It wasn't anything like not wanting to share details of my personal life or anything, in fact I usually don't mind that type of thing at all, but for whatever reason whenever I've been assigned to do a blog-anything in my educational career I just never been able to do so easily. Literally only blog stuff. Like, you want me to type up a 5 page essay in MLA format? Easy. But a short blog post? Well I could but I could also watch YouTube for about 3 hours and, oh my! Look at the time, better get to bed. Yeah well, enough about me procrastinating writing this, look at me I've already written this much just putting off writing what this is actually supposed to be. What's wrong with me? Alright let's get into it a bit shall we?

Alright so, my name is Martin Colucci. I'm 18, a freshman here at Rutgers. I'm a Computer Science Major and Creative Writing Minor (or at least that's what I'm trying to be, although I haven't been able to take any CS classes yet because they've all been closed 😑). Am I missing any other general boring info about myself? Probably. Oh well. Let's try to make this a bit more interesting.

My parents divorced when I was two years old. BOOM! That's pretty out of no where right? A nice change of pace? Yeah so my dad who is currently 74 and my mom who is currently 54 divorced when I was two. Sounds like it might be bad but I was actually pretty fortunate I think. See my dad is 3rd generation American but all his family is Italian and they like to spoil their kids, at least my dad told me they did. My mom on the other hand is a 1st generation American, she came here from China when she was in her... late twenties? Early thirties? Somewhere around there. She comes from a very disciplined and strict-on-children family. She herself is comparatively not strict in regards to her own parents and some of her friends that also moved to America, but nonetheless can be pretty uptight about a lot of things. In a way I'm pretty happy that they divorced, is that kinda mean? Because this way instead of getting some bland blend of parenting styles, I got equal amounts of spoiled and strict. I hope the difference between those makes sense.

So I don't have any pictures of them on hand or rather, on phone, at the moment sooooo just imagine an old Italian man and an old-but-not-old-looking-because-she's-chinese woman and that's probably ballpark accurate.

Moving on from my family though, let's talk about me specifically. I don't really know what to talk about but usually just rambling about my interests works for this kind of thing right? So I really like stories, especially fiction. I've liked fiction ever since I was like 5 because I feel like sometimes you can learn things from fake worlds that you might not learn as easily from this one. Oh, I also like philosophy a bit. I believe that a lot (not all) of questions that some people might consider "answerless" can be answered if you have enough words and time to speak or write those words. I can't really think of any good pictures to put in for either of those things so... I guess I also like anine and video games? I wonder if any of you read anime and went "Oh he's one of those people." Eh, I don't think I am. For me it just goes back to my thing about fictional stories. I don't really know why but ever since I was a kid I could never really "connect" with live action movies or shows as much as animated ones. Like I enjoyed movies like Harry Potter or Matilda but they never meant as much to me as moives like The Lion King or Spirited Away. Even now that I'm older I haven't really found any live action movies that speak to me, but a more recent animated movie like Your Name really had me feeling emotions. There are a lot of words on this page right now so let me get some multimedia in before I bore you to death with words.

Image result for live action films from childhood
 It was fun to watch, don't get me wrong.

Image result for spirited away
But like this is where my childhood was at.

Image result for kimi no na wa
I watched this movie (Your Name) recently with
my friends and damn was it a moving experience.

Here's the trailer if you're interested.

Yeah so I tend to watch a lot more animated stuff than live action stuff. Especially since high school when I really started to actively look for more anime to consume. It's not all great, but a lot of the better stories I've been exposed to have come from Japanese anime. Jeez I feel like such a nerd talking about anime for like half (?) of this blog post. Oh well I am a nerd. On another note though, I also write stories. In fact I have a few fictional books I'm working on writing at the moment (which are no where near done). In fact one of the reasons I wanted to take Creative Writing classes was to get to write more because I tend to be pretty lazy about that like I am with everything else.

 I need more pictures and stuff don't I? Oh I also have a cat. Her name is Meow (Yes, I know) and she is absolutely adorable and the best cat of all cats (sorry if you have a cat). 

Look at her sleep isn't she so cute?

The. Cutest. Ever.

Yeah so there's probably more I could be talking about, I promise my life is a lot more interesting than I've made it out to be here, probably, but I can't really think of anything else and I have to go to class soon and I'm still in my PJ's so I think this a good place to stop. Til next time readers!


  1. I meant to comment on this post earlier...I think you did a very good job of revealing yourself---mostly in showing that you're complicated--you're funny, and interesting, and a child of divorce, and someone who loves cats, and someone who likes to tell stories, and who maybe deflects attention from himself...A very good mixture of interesting characteristics and complexities. Don't be afraid to be slightly vulnerable or to show your hand a bit in this class--you're a creative minor, but you might find that you have more talent and interest in writing, which requires you to put it all down on the page, even the stuff you're afraid of (especially the stuff you're afraid of)...


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